Perry Polnaszek, Executive Director
Convicted felon, recovering alcoholic, divorced man, former NAMB appointed missionary, redeemed by Jesus. In 1996 after recently committing to follow Jesus and live a life sold out for him, Perry was able to go on a medical mission trip to Honduras and witnessed the power of sharing the Gospel in word and deeds. Soon after his return Perry heard God ask him, “Why do you need to go so far to share my hope, when there are people in your own backyard who have real needs and don’t know who I am”? Not growing up in the church and being a serial entrepreneur he gathered up his willing friends and planned a health fair on Nov 5th, 1996. Several hundred people circled the small church on 42nd and Bank in Louisville KY. It seemed that we stumbled onto something. Touched Twice was formed based on Mark 8, where Jesus touches a blind man two times to produce clarity. We took that as a model of “Meeting Human Needs in Christ’ Name”. The first touch physical and the second touch Spiritual.
Over the past 20 years God has grown Touched Twice into Touched Twice United. Currently active in 20 states with a goal of every state by 2020. Perry Polnaszek is the father of 7 children grandfather to 4 (so far) and married to Andrea Polnaszek. He is currently serving as the senior pastor of Fellowship Church in Chippewa Falls WI alongside leading TTU across the nation. His singular goal is to help others receivethe freedom he has found in following after Jesus.

Andrea M. Polnaszek - Board Member and Founding Volunteer
Andrea M. Polnaszek
Andrea M. Polnaszek is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has spent years helping children and their families communicate with each other and grow in God’s love. She has a Bachelors degree in Social Work from Gordon College, a Master’s degree in Social Work and a Certificate in Theology from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Andrea has invested her life in ministry. She helped to found Touched Twice United in 1996, a non-profit organization, that provides tools for local churches to offer free medical services to the community in Christ’s name. Andrea wrote a “how to” manual which continues to be used for TTU trainings. She continues to serve as a board member today.
In October 2009, Andrea was invited to participate in a forum for faith-based organizations. She later became a member of a sub-committee that created a Substance Abuse Mental Health Laity Curriculum, distributed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Association.
Most recently it was been a joy for Andrea to share her talents with the world in her film writing and producing debut, Catching Faith, now streaming on Netflix. Her Elijah Project workbook activities have been embraced by people worldwide. You can learn more about Andrea and her writing at Andrea is grateful to be a wife and mother of three, residing in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin.

Cindy Ware - Board President and Founding Volunteer
Cindy Ware, President
Cindy asked Jesus to come into her heart at the age of six. She has been growing in her walk with the Lord for forty-seven years. Her life was transformed and she felt the call to missions in 1991 after serving on a medical mission trip to Honduras. She has been a nurse since 1985 and after feeling God's call to use her nursing skills on the mission field, moved to Louisville, Kentucky to attend Southern Seminary. She completed her seminary requirements and also her Nurse Practitioner degree in Louisville all the while praying about where the Lord would have her serve. During this time while attending she met Perry Polnaszek and Andrea Boylan (Polnaszek) while they all attended Springdale Community Church. Along with other singles in the group, a dream of medical missions at home began to emerge and out of that vision Touched Twice was born in 1996. Cindy has been apart of the ministry since its beginning and understands her call to love those far from Jesus right here in the United States./p>
Cindy serves on the missions team at her church and leads local mission trips to Eastern Kentucky. She is actively involved with local recovery programs in Louisville to help those with mental illness and substance abuse. She married Mike Ware in 1999 having met him as they served together with Touched Twice. She has four step children and four grandchildren. Cindy is originally from Tennessee and is an avid Tennessee Volunteer college football fan. She enjoys camping with her husband Mike and loves serving Jesus alongside him. She also loves to spend time with her amazing grandchildren. Cindy believes that Touched Twice United is the answer to the collective and local churches' mandate to the great commission and she believes it is a lifestyle that ensures when lived out that one love Jesus first and then others.

Mike Ware - Board Member
Mike Ware
Mike came to the saving Grace of Jesus Christ after reading the book “Born Again” by Charles Colson at the age of 33. Since then he has been on the journey of serving and loving other’s in Christ’s name through worship and community service. Mike along with his co-leader in the CCM music group “Hand to Hand” started a contemporary christian coffee house in the Catholic church in the mid 90’s bringing local christian artists together to be a light in the church and community. Mike along with his music group became connected with Touched Twice United when they had their second clinic by adding worship music to the mix of the clinic. In the fall of 1998 he joined the original core group of Touched Twice United and has been a part of serving in the ministry ever since. Mike loves to share the vision of TTU with the church at large and to pass on the amazing stories how God has and continues to transform the local church to be the image of Gospel. Mike and his wife Cindy have missional hearts and believe that the Gospel needs to be lived out in every area of our lives. Mike also been working in the Information Technology field since 2000 and has 3 children: Tamiera, Joshua, and Nicholas.

Renee Wurzer - Board Member
Renee Wurzer
In February 2008 Renee Wurzer was a newcomer in her faith community when she was invited to help with Church With A Heart – a TTU clinic. She readily admits she lacked the courage to step out in a visible role like registering guests or being an advocate. Instead she volunteered for setup, arrived at 7am and left just as the clinic doors opened. Church With A Heart appeared in the first season of Around The World For Free, and months later when the clinic episode aired on WGN Chicago, Renee was amazed to see faces of friends where she’d once seen only strangers.
As a young woman, Renee attended UW-Stout and UW-Madison, where she studied graphic arts technology and communications. Renee is an advocate for transformation and hope through since 2008, and founded a local strip-club outreach to women inspired by the TTU model in 2009. She enjoys editing and writing, and supporting friends who are interested in publishing their own books. She considers herself an encourager and writes daily, occasionally publishing her work in two online blogs. Her book Widowspeak: A Story of Grief and Joy was published in 2017.
As a TTU volunteer, Renee has served as publicity coordinator, volunteer coordinator, and clinic coordinator – and has provided pedicures, served as an advocate, and served meals in Wisconsin. She’s served in vision care for clinics in Illinois.
“In February 2009, I quit my job to volunteer with my faith community and Touched Twice United,” says Renee. “My husband laughed the first time he heard me tell someone I was a stay-at-home mom. He laughed because our both our children were adults living on their own. Now, I’m a widow and grandmother and back in the workforce, and the mom thing is even more true today – isn’t that what we are doing, caring for God’s children?”

Nathan Ivey
Nathan Ivey
Nathan holds expertise in helping the local church become more effective and efficient at discipling the poor out of poverty. Through partnerships and innovation, he demonstrates how to move the church beyond relief efforts to sustainable community development.
Possessing excellent communication, leadership and organizational skills, Nathan is presently looking to advance efforts to revitalize inner city neighborhoods through the non-profit Seed to Oaks Community Development.
Nathan believes success is measured by the degree the local church has a powerful and visible presence in their neighborhoods and communities; one that is capable of meeting real needs as a means of making disciples and advancing the great commission.